Home > Concrete Drilling (SDS+, SDSMAX, STR. Shank) & Hammer Steel
Concrete Drilling (SDS+, SDSMAX, STR. Shank) & Hammer Steel
 SDS-plus with Extend Life.
*Optimized brazing & hardening process for long life when frilling in reinforced concrete.
*Optimized flute design to reduce stress & make the bit run cooler!
*4-flute design for fast dust removal.
 Use your small rotary hammer as a "light-weight" chipping tool with these accessories.
ALSO, CUTS REBAR with its special formulated geometry!
 SDS-max Rotary Hammer Bits with "SPEED-X" Technology that will deliver longer bit life and deliver more holes within ANSI specification.
 The latest generation of SDS-max® chisels and points feature the newest innovation in demolition steel--reflection technology. Bosch's R-Tec reflection point is featured on HS1903 and HS1904. SEE THE COMPLETE LINE OF CHISELS & the featured R-Tec series.
 Bosch Rotary Hammer CORE BITS are carbide tipped with an integral shank for better power transmission. Maximum core depth is 2-5/8".
These bits have a "wave design" to transfer energy more effectively to the bit for up to 40% better drilling!
 For the fastest drilling in concrete, stone or masonry, the "BLUE GRANITE" Hammer Drill Bits by Bosch should be your choice.
STRAIGHT SHANK for 3 jaw chucks has a softened shank for aggressive gripping power!
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